DIAGNOSTIC KIT from KOREA Corona 19 diagnostic kit(COVID-19 TEST KITS) Solgent released 99%
diagnostic accuracy in 2 hours Obtained CE Certificate (February 28, Europe)
Supply condition
1.MOQ: More than 250KIT
2. Shipment date: 2 ~ 3 days after ordering (domestic export)
3. Payment method: Cash payment before shipping
4. Importer conditions: Drug import license required (Pharmaceutical companies also available)
5. Unit price: 3,150 $ VAT(per Kit) (1Kit available 100person) C
orona 19 Diagnostic Kit Solgent It is an in vitro diagnostic medical device that qualitatively detects the Corona 19 virus (2019-nCoV) gene (OrF1a gene, N gene) in samples of patients suspected of respiratory infections (sputum, oropharyngeal and nasopharynx).
Test reagents have recently been used in more than 20 countries including Japan, the Middle East (Kuwait, Saudi, Jordan, UAE, Pakistan), Europe (Italy, Germany), Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia) and CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan). Contracted.