Product Information
Medical grade pure glutathione
-Tone Brightening
-Liver Detox
- Lighter Complexion & pigmentation
- Anti Oxidants
- Even Skin Complexion
- Anti Pigmentation/Freckles
- Anti Black Spot/Age Spot
- Suppresses the formation of acne/blemish/pimples
- Minimize pores and improves skin complexion
Cell Repair
- Healing Wounds and Scar
- Stimulates Collagen
- Detoxifies in liver
Anti Aging
- Enhances The Production of Bloods
- Recover Injuries and Tissue Damages
- Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
- Enhance immunity, sleep stability
- Smooth SkinLifting & Firming
- Repair Loose and Sagging Skin
- Firmer and Lifted Skin
- Improve Skin Strength and Elasticity
[Highly suggested if you want to have]
- Brightening skin color as injection tones up the entire face
- Increase skin elasticity and decrease wrinkles
- Feeling less exhausted after daily activity
- Activate fat resolving and effectively reduce body fat
- Regulation of blood glucose causing effects on geriatric diseases