The factory is located in Cangzhou city, Hebei province, covers an area of more than 60,000m2, it's about 100km from Tianjin port, 200km from Beijing, and it can produce 30,000tons industrial grade, 30,000tons food & pharm grade glycine annually. The factory main advantages based on: 1. Large volume capacity, The capacity is generelly in the top three in China, and all output is availiable to sell after acquired by our company, while it basically didn't' sell outside before that. 2. Production cost. The factory has chloroacetic acid (which is the main raw material) plant with annual production capacity of 45,000tons. 3. Logistic cost. It's only less than 100km from Tianjin Port, about 100km from Tianjin Airport and 200km from Beijing Daxing airport, 250km from Captical aiport, the transportion is very convenient, which greatly reduced the material turnover time. If there is any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards