High Flow Nasal Cannula machine (HFNC machine), also known as high flow oxygen therapy machine, is an oxygen(O2) delivery therapy device. As we can know from the name, the machine provides oxygen flow for the nasal cannula, and the rate of the flow would be high. It can be used for neonates or adults when using different type of breathing circuits.
Turbine based high-flow humidification treatment device PN -2000HF is an Oxygen therapy device that provides continuous positive pressure with heated and humidified of air and oxygen.
Introducing our high flow nasal cannula machine for ventilator replacement, it has shown it effectiveness for the early infection cases and the recovery patients from critical stages.
Pigeon Medical provides disposable or reusable HFNC machine parts & accessories according to customer's requirement.
The high flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is a heating and humidification system that allows the delivery of a specified percentage of inhaled oxygen (FIO2) levels at very high flow rates. Contact us for more info of high flow nasal cannula machine price.
3. Dead space flushing
High-flow oxygen therapy uses a special high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and heated breathing circuit. Used for heating and humidifying mixed air and oxygen at high flow rates, usually set between 30 l/min and 50 l/min. This high flow can provide a more stable inhaled oxygen concentration than traditional oxygen therapy, and can also generate a certain positive end-expiratory pressure.
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